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the chinese experience


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Finally my exchange in Shanghai has come to and end.

And i can officially declare i have a love-hate relationship with this country very much at odds with itself.

I'm probably really gonna miss quite some parts of this place. namely the cheap food, of course... haha....

Going to Taiwan in a few hours time!!

I'm gonna be back in Singapore on the 15th July! 11pm! =) See all of you guys soon!!! =)

she mumbles her nonsense ; {7:45 AM}

Thursday, June 21, 2007

the day my supper ran away from me

for those who think i'm enjoying a slacker's life in shanghai, well, my exams starts tommorrow and ends in about 2-3 weeks.

so, in the midst of my revision, my tummy decided i wanted fruits. so we trooped downstairs in search of supper fruits.

once we stepped out of dorm the funniest sight greeted us... a whole long line of running food!!! wahhahah!! all the 路边摊 sellers were pushing their carts and running for their lives!!! it was so funny. and so tragic. that meant my supper-fruits were literally, running away from me. so sad. must be some police raid.

oh and my family left to fly back to singapore today. so sad! didnt realise how much i missed them until i've seen them. okay im not going to be emo because i must study now.

me and daddy and 毛主席!!!

i miss singapore.... boohooo!

she mumbles her nonsense ; {12:21 AM}

Friday, June 15, 2007

my family came to shanghai to visit me!!! so happy!!!

and they brought what i wanted over. things you CANT get in shanghai. but too bad my stupid brother ate up half the box of my pandan cake. BISH.

they went to some other parts of china le... haha... but they'll be back on monday-wednesday! yeah yeah! time to show them around... happy! =D

oh and i finally finished buying presents for everyone... picture below! happy guessing which present is yours... hahahha...!!

and i was very sad about spending money on everyone and not myself. so on the spur of the moment i splurged on a stupid manicure (inspired by ms goh shui ling). probably my first and last manicure. (S$10) with nail art... i dont like it. i want to wash it off but thats wasting money. growls....

she mumbles her nonsense ; {4:51 PM}

Monday, June 4, 2007



两周后见!!!! =D

on a very very sad note. my dearest sister informs me that "i have put on meat", a view apparently shared by my dearest family members who happily gossiped about me while celebrating my daddy's birthday. BOOHOO. ITS DIET TIME. SO SAD!!!

she mumbles her nonsense ; {12:35 AM}

Friday, June 1, 2007

a few days ago, baisheng fried fries for us. whats so special about it, you ask?

HE USED HIS RICE COOKER TO DEEP FRY IT! he's really a genius in using the ricecooker to any dish concievable. faints. anyway the fries are damn good.

on a last min decision... mexican club, zapatas.

hahahaha the place was filled with angmohs. the only asians were girls that were trying to pick up angmohs. i saw this poor girl who spent a really long time dancing alone, trying her best to siddle up to any guy... >.<>

these people REALLY know how to have fun. the guys are nuts. they spend an awful lot of time shaking their butts at you. haha.

she mumbles her nonsense ; {11:35 PM}

Monday, May 28, 2007

who says u can't get good food in shanghai? i know i eat crap for most of the week, but thanks to the crap, i can afford good meals to splurge on during the weekends!

a typical week would go like this... tues - thurs (studying days... yeah, i got a 3 day 7.5 hr work week, so sue me =P ) will be biscuits-bread-cereal eating in dorm for lunch AND dinner.

friday-monday... BUFFET TIME!!!

lets see what i've been buffeting on for the past few weeks....

Brazillian Steak Buffet

they actually have waiters carrying huge slabs of meat around. if you want, just signal and they will slice of huge slabs of meat for u. beef, lamb, chicken, kebabs, german sausages, u name it, they have it!

includes stuff like roasted bananas. and of course, salad bars, main courses, desert corner.... pure heaven..... (S$16)

Vegetarian Buffet

okay, 2nd time i went for this vegetarian buffet but still as wonderful. did i mention i love salad? (S$12)

Japanese Ala-carte Buffet

its ala carte!!! you can order ANYTHING on the menu. includes sashimi, steamboat, shao1 kao3, udon ramen sushi whatever.... and drinks of course... i ate until i shitted and i continued eating. faints. pure pigging out on jap food. (S$20)

Texas Steak Buffet

Hehe... this is like a buffet with free flow salad and desert (YUMMY!!!) plus one main dish and alot alot alot of free appetizers and stuff... look below....

been there twice too... hahhahaha (S$12)

Singaporean Food

And finally, FINALLY, i got a taste of Singaporean food in a Singaporean style food court!!!

looks familiar? its in the basement of a shopping centre in shanghai... its supposedly a branch oppened by singaporeans... sells hokkien mee, char kui tiao, and oyster omelette!!! has 8 days articles and zao bao stuff pasted all over... its funny hearing those china ppl talking about singaporean food like its some delicacy >.<

me with my hokkien mee.... i DREAMED of this moment for MONTHS!!! my beloved hokkien mee... ok la it wasnt that great but it was acceptable!

AND ICE MILO DINOSAUR!!! ok fine it sucked, but its the best u can do in shanghai. prob the most expensive ice milo dino too. at S$3, you can eat a few meals in shanghai. and thats just for one drink!!! thanks lio for paying... hahaha....

Eeyore biscuits

to end off my food post... a cute little eeyore biscuit that is left over from Tokyo Disneyland. it ended up in my tummy... and into my toilet bowl. oh well it was nice while it lasted.

i miss everyone more and more recently. love you all loads =)

PS: mommy, i didnt spend THAT much money!! i promise!!!

she mumbles her nonsense ; {11:42 PM}

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

shine opened lio's door today to find a cute little bunny!

it's super, duper, adorable. played with it for the whole afternoon... and no i'm not silly enough to volunteer to keep it after my last rabbit died.

isnt it the cutest little bunny ever!!! oscar brought him down to eat grass and i couldnt resist snapping a million and one pictures of the little dear. it's really tame and sweet!

on a sadder note... one of my hamsters got stolen =( hope he's fine wherever he is....

okok i KNOW i havent been blogging, its just that the japan entry is SO DAUNTING i dont even want to get started!!! 1000 pictures, what do you think? it scares me so much i retreat into the comfort of watching my shows... hahaha.... I WILL GET STARTED. SOON!

she mumbles her nonsense ; {3:04 AM}

Sunday, May 13, 2007

i've been very, very, lazy in blogging. caught the naughty lazy bug recently. but ive got to post today... cause its mothers day =)

Happy Mothers Day Mommy!!!

记得妈妈说过,恺妍两个字有着开心,漂亮的含义。我今天将我名字当祝愿献回给妈妈,愿妈妈永远开心,心中永远漂亮 - 感谢妈妈将近21年给予我无私伟大的爱!
妈妈今天要快乐,明天也要快乐,就会永远年轻。。。 女儿想念您!

新年拍的照片... 快到上海来哦!

she mumbles her nonsense ; {1:10 AM}

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

japan, here i come!!! wheee!!!

gonna miss all of you... but not too much. mwahahahha!!! =D

she mumbles her nonsense ; {3:58 AM}

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

THIS will be my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, for the next few days. hehe... and you ask me, "khaiyaaan!! i thought china food so cheap, why you eating these crap man???".

khaiyan happily replies... "BECAUSE IM GOING TO JAPAN NEXT WEEK!!! so must eat grass now. i'm happy eating grass. yum yum."

flying to osaka next tues, and then its off to Tokyo. ROCKS man!! =P

yours truly will be broke for the next few months. because this trip is fully self- sponsored. sigh.... >.<

Backdated Happenings

okay okay OKAY i'm getting lazy in blogging. well i never claimed to be anything but lazy... i love slacking. lalala....

McDonalds Breakfast

i spy hashbrowns!!! but i shall have to continue fantasizing about it, because. IT SOLD OUT AT 9:50 AM!!! how ridiculous is that. u mean, I CRAWLED OUT OF BED ON A SUNDAY JUST TO SEE MY BELOVED, ANTICIPATED BIG BREAKFAST GETTING SOLD OUT AT 9:50 AM? yeah. thats exactly what they meant. horrible lazy people.

me and lionel ended up eating lunch instead. sulks.

we trooped down the streets of shanghai searching for my white 3/4 pants. poor lionel... haha... it seems to me like he was dragged out of bed early, forced to spend a whole afternoon carrying my bag and combing all the boutiques along chang le road, and had to spend a whole DAY listening to me complaining about my feet which was getting tortured in my boots. thanks lah lionel... 够朋友!!!=D

Vegetarian Buffet

and we ended the day with a vegetarian buffet, and let me tell u, IT ROCKED! it is quite possibly the healthiest meal i have ever had since i came to this land where oil is cheaper then water.

lionel with his plate of veggie!

the variety was astonishing... plenty of jap food. jap sushi, jap udon, and their pastries and deserts were solid man... drool... lionel lousy. he ate so little!

Shui and the Singing Competition!

shuiling entered shi2 da4!!! it's like Fudan's version of impressario. thats her performance outfit, with lionel's bear tai4 jian4. The story of the bear will come later.

Shui is so ZAI!!!! she is really one of the best girl singers i have ever heard. lets all hope she gets into the finals!!! yeah!!!

The Story of the Bear Who Lost his Man-li-hood

It was once a poor and forgotten bear, a clone of the famous Mr Bean bear, travelling all the way from the shores of Singapore to be Lionel's companion when he feels lonely.

Yet it discovered that its sole function in Shanghai was to be a toyboy, providing free hugs for wondering girls that happened to spy it lying around Lionel's room.

And so it continued its (shameful) function for 3 long semesters.

As fate would have it, 2 nice girls took pity on the bear when they saw it one fine day. The evil-er of the two decided to spare the bear the agony (and shame) of being a toyboy. and she castrated the poor bear.

Lionel was devastated. He couldn't sleep for the whole night, desperate for an answer as to why his companion was castrated. he wanted answers. he knew that only the castrator could undo the grevious error.

In a twist of fate, he found out that the evil girl was due to take part in a singing competition the following day. he emplored the nicer girl to help him, and entusted her with the castrated bear to be passed on to the evil girl, in hopes that its presence will rouse her guilt.

the evil girl breezed through the competition, as the poor castrated bear dealt with its increasingly confused mind as to where his sexual orientation lay. he cheered her on, as he considered his future. all he knew was to be a toyboy. now he was lost...

the evil girl returned home, all but forgetting about the poor castrated, (now, sexually confused) bear, but the nicer girl helpfully reminds her about the bear's plight. all the evil girl did was to mutter in delight,

"from henceforth, this bear shall be known as tai4 jian4!!! WAHAHAHAH"

to be continued...

she mumbles her nonsense ; {8:23 PM}

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


我现在根本就是走不动了。爬了两天的山,恐怕要变成一个星期的废人。上学。。。 梯级是我的头号大敌人!

黄山根本就是一栋500 层楼高的大厦。梯级是上了又下,下了又上,没完没了的一直延续着!看着那些老婆婆老公公爬着梯级,我可是佩服的很。我的体力真的有那么差吗?惭愧!


Reflections - Of tears, pain, and muscle aches

To add on to my ramblings above... Huangshan's definitely breathtaking. if you have any breath left to admire it after the climbing, that is.

very soon, you forget what your calves feel like. you stop admiring the things around you. the only thing you are capable of seeing is the 5 steps in front of you. seeing anything more then the next 5 steps will send you straight into depression because there are possibly anyother 1000 more steps until you get a rest.

and very soon after that you stop looking even at the next 5 steps because your mind will play tricks on you and your world will start spinning. so you look at the next 3 steps. and the vicious cycle continues.

The First Night - Of eyebags and wobbly knees

What a horrific experience. We arrived at 1am at this hostel and basically, its the first time i didn't get a WINK of sleep because there was no heater. i tossed and turned for 4 hours straight, and it was time for breakfast. no doubt, it made me fugly for the whole of the second day. boohoo!

our home for one night... there's still construction going on around it. apparently thats why there was NO HOT WATER and NO HEATER. i froze every time i used the water to wash face / brush teeth... it was the first time my knees trembled and buckled under me for the 5 mins i was in the toilet.

me looking forlornly at our very sad looking accomodation.

The Scenery - Of breathless heights and beauty

spot the little hut at the low left hand corner... it's built entirely of pieces of rocks. we were speculating that some sword master flung the rocks over piece by piece... haha

*gasp* the grandeur of the sheer HEIGHT of these mountains! it was amusing to see the guys cower when standing along the hand rail... and throw pieces of rocks down just to see how long it takes to reach rock bottom. why frighten yourself? GUYS. -_-"

spot the little blue area in the picture... water =) makes everything more picturesque, doesn't it?

taken some where mid- mountain... after a while, the mountains tend to all look the same. think you also can't tell the difference from looking at the pictures ya? too bad, you gotta be there to see for yourself.

stairs... never ending stairs... just an exmaple of how horrific the flights of stairs can be. we climbed from 1pm-7pm on the first day, 9am-1pm on the second. all stairs. ALL STAIRS!! i think i even dreamt of stairs in between.

some of the rock formations are really quite interesting. see the figure on the bottom right hand corner? thats supposed to be zhu1 ba1 jie4. you know, the pig from journey to the west. can u see it?

The human shots - Of silliness and laughter


wenshan and shawn duelling on the mountain top... lol... i have so many of their silly action poses! next time when they become rich and famous lawers... i'm gonna splash their pictures all over the station / papers / where ever im gonna work. haha.

i hear dead people! lionel obviously cant hear them though. haha =P

ok this is not really a funny shot but i like it! taken by shui... we're just sitting and admiring the sprawling beauty laid out before us =)

The Posed Shots - Of precarious shots and endless smiles

with wensen... he's the KING of zi4 pai1 and making himself look good! yeap yeap i sense that chris is gonna say something about the guy on the right... cause she has no cute guys and no dar dar. wah laoz... qian and vanny dont so gross about your dar dars leh. its already quite cold in shanghai... haha...

anyway wensen's another singaporean here at fudan! future chinese teacher of your kids... haha... there's hope in singapore after all.

this is one dangerous shot man... we are in fact sitting behind the chains... so. one little mis step. and me and shui will die ugly in the mountains and be eaten by wild geese.

with grace (our korean friend!) isnt the background gorgeous!! =D

we started the climb fresh, happy, exhilarated, and awed by our surroundings... and.. a few hours later...

we qualify for a corpse photoshoot. look at our exhausted faces... someone shoot us and be done with it!!!

Encounters along the Way - Of very expensive cup noodles

halfway down the mountain. we went to an extremely expensive restaurant. lionel bought a 15 RMB cupnoodles and like, 6 or 7 of us shared. back in shanghai... its 3RMB. THEY INFLATED THE PRICE 5 TIMES!!! and soon we found out why it was so expensive...

they use human labour to transport the food up the mountain! as the cable cars dont reach ALL the places on the mountain, human labour is most often the cheapest way to being food and supplies up. we heard its 20 RMB (4 sing) for one trip up the mountain. one trip can possibly take up to one day you know... gawds....

of course, there are people who were hired to carry people up the stairs. the price they charged was crazy.

The Classic Shots - Of Talent by yours truly

The Final Stopping Place - Tunxi Lao Jie

And before we made our way back to shanghai, we stopped by this little town for some shopping (i didnt buy anything though) and an extremely filling dinner.

in all, a satisfying trip with some quiet time alone too... thanks FUSSA for organizing this trip! =)

she mumbles her nonsense ; {12:05 AM}

The Girl

khaiyan is currently in shanghai.
having a semester of a total chinese experience
at fudan university
the weather is horribly cold but she hopes she can survive
till she sees all of you back in Singapore in August.

she misses her

donkeys and hamsters!

previous blog



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This blogskin is made by `regina
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The Past

March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007